A New Survey

Last April when The Nature Conservancy (TNC) set up their survey equipment, an incorrect setting led to this reprise of the survey of our stream.  This year, the 8th grade will once again be the lead class in helping our town find solutions to improving the fish passage.  Donning hip boots and grabbing nets for an “eyes on” survey of what was swimming in the pool was another part of this beautiful morning.

A rainbow smelt?

This week’s rain brought outflowing water once again down through the stream and we also wonder if or how many young alewives have survived and egressed to salt water, after such a dry summer and early fall.  We wonder if among the chubs the long, thin and silvery fish are some smelt.  The numbers of chubs netted indicate their abundance!  This fall we’ve noticed cormorants and a great-blue heron that had fed extensively along the area of the Marsh outlet.  Another question to consider after talking with TNC is to wonder what effect the rising sea levels and big tides may have on the salinity of the Marsh over time.  Perhaps we should start a study on the salinity related to tidal inflows.

Below are pictures taken on October 4th, showing the dry conditions this early fall.

The Outlet

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